Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Newspapers Attack US-S. Korean Naval Exercises-KCNA

Newspapers Attack US-S. Korean Naval Exercises

Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers here on Sunday run signed commentaries branding the large-scale joint naval exercises staged by the south Korean puppet warmongers and the U.S. in the East Sea of Korea as an undisguised military provocation to the DPRK and an unpardonable treacherous crime that brings the situation of the Korean Peninsula to the phase of a war.

The exercises are actual maneuvers and test war intended to ignite a war for aggression on the DPRK from A to Z, Rodong Sinmun points out, and says:

The provocative nature of the said saber-rattling is well illustrated by the armed forces and up-to-date war equipment involved in it and its contents. It was a very reckless and dangerous war gamble beyond comparison with the past war exercises in contents, form, scale, etc.

The joint naval exercises are only the first step rather than coming to a close. Through them, the warmongers at home and abroad have further perfected their operational ability to put the war scenarios for aggression on the DPRK by preemptive attack into practice. The puppet forces are planning to stage 10 odd kinds of war games, including Ulji Freedom Guardian and anti-submarine drill, with the U.S. in succession in across south Korea till the end of this year.

The Lee Myung Bak group should not run amuck at random, mindful that it will get nothing but disgraceful defeat and death from such military confrontation.

Minju Joson says that if the warmongers unleash a war against the DPRK, they will get to see what is a true war. The U.S. and the south Korean bellicose forces should be mindful of this warning and no longer resort to the adventurous military blackmail trick.