Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chinese President on Sino-DPRK Relations-KCNA

Chinese President on Sino-DPRK Relations

Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- Hu Jintao, president of the People's Republic of China, received credentials from the DPRK ambassador to his country on July 30.

On the occasion Hu Jintao said that China and the DPRK are friendly neighbors sharing rivers and mountains and the peoples of the two countries have traditional relationship of friendship with long history and deep roots. And he noted that the bilateral friendship, provided and fostered by leaders of the elder generation of the two countries, has been steadily consolidated and developed despite the harsh trials of the changed international situation.

Looking back with deep emotion on the China visit made by General Secretary Kim Jong Il in May last, Hu Jintao affirmed that the visit put the Sino-DPRK relations of friendship and cooperation on a new higher stage.

The bilateral friendship is a common wealth to the Communist Party of China and the Workers' Party of Korea and to the two countries and the two peoples, and it is the steadfast policy of the Chinese party and government to attach great importance to the Sino-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations and consistently develop them, he declared.

China, together with Korean comrades, is willing to make joint efforts to further consolidate the bilateral friendship and carry it forward in the spirit of "Inheriting the tradition, facing up to the future, building good-neighborly friendship and strengthening cooperation" , he said.