Thursday, August 5, 2010

The People, not the Army, who upholds Freedom, Patriotism, and Democracy

The People, not the Army,
who upholds Freedom, Patriotism, and Democracy

by Katleah Iskre Ulrike

What a ridiculous idea the rotten system has ever made in the society. Many people ought to think of it too negatively as the system's idea, branding it as "Freedom and Democracy", compelled the people to revolt against them. And rather than moving the nation forward according to the plans, the ideas what the system made, fueled much by greed and oppression made the country corruptingly backward.

Worse, as those who uphold "Freedom", "Independence", and "Democracy" are those who uphold the mercenary, feudal traditions of the past, as the military of the system tries its best to "control" the people "by carrot and stick" or "by hook or by crook" as we may think of. And now "calling the youth" to join in their desperate move against the forces of social revolution!

True, for these people did the contrary in upholding what they supposed to uphold. They've forced the youth to join their ranks through a "Mandatory ROTC" while at the same time doing their "extralegal" motives like killing activists and harassing the legal left and calling it as "defending the Nation, Freedom, and Democracy", and even oppressing minorities for the so-called "Development" that in fact enriches the coffers of the few.

Indeed, as what we may expect from them, I may consider that a real armed forces who really protects and serves the people faithfully and for free as the people do are those who are being harassed and being called as terrorist by the system! These rebels, insurgents are partaking the act what the forces of the rotten system supposed to do-upholding the rights of the people, Freedom, Democracy, Nationalism supported by the masses of the people willing to take arms and joining with them against the ones in the fortress of the reaction, fighting for the social revolution, amazing!

True as what Leon Degrelle said:
"The intransigence of the new generation will turn them into arsonists or crusaders. They will no longer tolerate half-baked solutions. They will create a new world, a complete social order, a seamless system of justice, a real fraternity among people..."
Only to be superseded by Mao Zedong's statement:
"It is right to rebel!"
"Bombard the headquarters!"

Summing these statements lies a message calling people to defend Freedom, uphold Independence and fight for genuine people's patriotic democracy through a revolution against the system and to those who defend it. We have expected this as we are mad with anything around us, forcing to destroy for good, and if not, we are doomed to burn like a funeral pyre.,

As for you, we are in a middle of a protracted battlefield against the system. It is the people versus the army, the ones supposed to uphold against those who parrot, banner, and stating they uphold.

For now, below is a video featuring the lightning rallies of the underground Communist ovement in the Philippines. And somehow these lightning rallies deserve a music, originally made by and Italian band affiliated with the far right and being played in Radio Bandiera Nera. But the message somehow is close to the video shown.

La Rivoluzione e Come il Vento