Saturday, April 23, 2011

Will Easter Sunday bring a new wave of struggle?

Will Easter Sunday bring a new wave of struggle?

After the entire day of sorrow lies a new hope, as the Lord Jesus Christ rose up after his death, it shows a new wave of mass struggles coming forth in this rotten world.

We may call this writeup deviant to religious matter, but then like the risen Lord, the upsurge of the people's struggle manifests an advancement-that, like the easter rising of 1916 in then British-occupied Ireland, people imbued with patriotic and social interest rose up in arms wanting to counter the threat what the ruling system unleashed against those who oppose and resist.

And somehow as other said, it is a day of redemption-that Stuart Briscoe saidth:

"Not until we fully understand our human condition—that of total depravity—can we fully appreciate what God did for us through Christ's death and resurrection."

Yes, but not all means are limited to a spiritual degree in achieving liberation.

For in this world we live in, wherein poverty is rampant and oppression dominating, it is man's will to revolt against the order as part of creating a society where righteousness prevail. That, even it resorted to taking up the sword, it is necessary for man to uphold and propagate the truth, of breaking the cycle of repression all in the name of hope, justice, and righteousness.