Thursday, April 21, 2011

Maundy Thursday ramblings

Maundy Thursday ramblings

Tomorrow lies the arduous task of every man, as last afternoon, people are in the streets and in the churches doing their penance all for the sake of forgiveness of sins whilst living in this earth. Seeking forgiveness that, according to them may cleanse off themselves rather than be sent to hell as the reigning trial comes.

But then,
All despite the penances will true retribution come upon to them. That, with or without these events people remained cling to their common acts that in fact, made them degenerate whilst others being suffered. That the system tolerated it much contrary to the law.

But contrary to these people there are still some who tend to live in struggle-sipping the bitter cup of sacrifice as they opted to serve an arduous task for the good of the people. It even gives realization of "God with us", that God is on the side of the oppressed and not of those who are oppressing.

Again, how come this reflection be also socio-political?

Well... the present conditions around us remained as it is, that rampant exploitation, corruption, everything that is degenerative as mankind faced and experienced lies some consequences contrary to their expectations. They may prayed hard all the time, going to church and hear mass, but not enough to atone their sins especially those belong to the bureaucracy, the exploiting landlords and the bourgeoisie and others who steered the nation backwards in the course of human events. It's like how come these people do "charity work" the same people who do union busting?

As expected,
We tend to be beyond everything upon understanding things in life, we wanted a better world yet the conditions, relations of everything (especially production) failed us to do so. Yes, we tried to become Ubermensch as Nietzsche said so but only to be fulfill through collective action and consensus. Contrary indeed to what Nietzsche said but in actual it takes too long time for an individual, alone to succeed in creating a realization. Otherwise we are merely creating sand castles than of concrete ones.

Sorry for taking Nietzsche as an example but obviously most people unconsciously wanted to be "above normal" so to speak and create a model that is perfect and appealing to the senses and minds of others. But will that last long? Like the time famed quest for immortality?

Well...this is really man's very own foundations of faith other than from his creator's. That to be "beyond" is an arduous task that no one achieved it especially in a system that tolerates its rottenness, that also compels us to "use a sword" against them. The church is already a victim of its own corruption and oppression, that most of them are willing to renounce everything, and to take the cup of bitter sacrifice, as they serve the people wholeheartedly-even it violates "dogma." Different than going to mass and observing sacraments that as if enough to absolve sins.

And somehow taking the bitter cup of sacrifice alludes on how Christ himself cried in agony at the Garden of Gethsemane, that he confronted by the supreme test of his life after his actions that also invoke the ire of the clergy and of the system, yet overcame the temptation of indecisiveness just to face his enemies who had come to arrest and face the consequences. So are those who opted to face everything that may include death in the path of righteousness, of taking part in an arduous struggle imbued with a faith that can move mountains and invoke major change different from those who speaks of preserving order that is unrealistic and unidealistic.

Once I remember reading a writeup from LIBERATION about Roger Arrienda's response regarding his faith and his stand as a Christian. Once an activist and also a political prisoner, he also became a pastor, a southern baptist so to speak, yet he pointed certain groups similar to his that is, manipulated by powers to serve vested interests rather than of advocating social change in the society; and again like his activist standing, he opposed them as he said:

"A Christian should be anti-Imperialist and anti-Feudal".

Few perhaps, like him invoke the same sentiment of a Christian as a social emancipator and an upbringer of change encompassing spiritual, individual and social. As most people, out of their contentment, of relying on such "traditions" rather speak of their own stand, or in other words, insist.